Art by @tinybirdfriend


They/He | Nonbinary Butch Lesbian | White | 24


- I do not want any 'anti-anti's following me. If you ship minors with adults, incest, bestiality or anything else of that nature. Leave.
- No transphobes. No racists. No homophobes. Etc.
- If you have stupid opinions on lesbians you can also leave.



Favorite Characters

  • Cyclonus (IDW1)

  • Whirl (IDW1)

  • Mitsuki (Boruto)

  • Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

  • Knives Millions (Trigun)

  • Emet-Selch (FFXIV)

  • Urianger Augerelt (FFXIV)

Favorite Media

  • Naruto

  • Trigun

  • Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

  • Fate/Grand Order

  • Transformers

  • Bram Stoker's Dracula

  • Final Fantasy XIV